
The latest advice and deep-dive into all you need to know about enhancing your spiritual well-being and inner peace.

Explore the fundamental principles governing the universe in simple terms. Delve into the 12 universal laws, from the law of attraction to cause and effect, and uncover their profound impact on personal growth and well-being.

12 Laws of the Universe Defined

Many of us are familiar with the universal law of attraction, but it's just one part of a complex system of spiritual laws that can influence and shape our lives.

Numerous other universal laws are at play, and understanding them can help you connect with the reality you wish for.

Whether you're already practicing the law of attraction or still exploring how it fits into your life, gaining knowledge about these universal laws can:

  • Broaden your perspective
  • Introduce spiritual growth to your life
  • Lead to a more harmonious and satisfying existence with limited negative energy

What are the 12 Universal Laws?

The concept of universal laws, often encapsulated in the widely recognized Law of Attraction, presents more than just a philosophical curiosity; it's a framework that permeates every aspect of our lives.

These laws, profound in their simplicity yet vast impact, serve as the unseen forces shaping our existence.

They are not merely guidelines but are considered the very fabric that constructs our reality in the physical and spiritual realms.

Central to understanding these laws is recognizing their role in our daily experiences.

From the way we think and feel to the events and circumstances we encounter, these laws are constantly at play, shaping the narrative of our lives. The Law of Attraction, for instance, asserts a simple yet powerful principle: like attracts like.

This means our thoughts, full of energy and intent, have the potential to shape our reality. They can attract experiences, people, and outcomes that resonate with our innermost desires and fears.

Each law interlocks with the others, creating a comprehensive system that guides our spiritual journey and personal growth and allows us to connect with our masculine and feminine energy.

In daily life, these universal laws offer a lens through which we can view our experiences, relationships, and personal challenges.

They encourage us to delve deeper into our understanding of the self and the universe, urging us to align our actions and thoughts with a higher, more harmonious frequency to live a more fulfilling life.

Where do the 12 Universal Laws Come from

where do the 12 universal laws come from

Tracing back the roots of the universal laws takes us on a journey through time and across cultures, revealing a rich tapestry of philosophical and spiritual thought.

Ancient civilizations, from the mystics of Egypt to the philosophers of Greece, have long pondered and recognized these laws, albeit under different guises and interpretations.

In ancient Egypt, for instance, the concept of Ma'at encompassed a complex understanding of truth, balance, and cosmic order, reflecting early clues of what we now understand as universal laws.

Similarly, in ancient Greece, the philosophical works of Plato and Aristotle often touched upon these fundamental principles, albeit in a more metaphysical context.

In recognizing this rich historical background, we gain a deeper understanding of the universal laws and an appreciation for the collective human consciousness that has sought to uncover and articulate these profound truths throughout history.

What are the 12 Universal Laws?

Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness is the cornerstone of universal laws, positing that everything in the universe is interconnected. It emphasizes that every thought, action, and event is linked, not just within our realm but in the vast expanse of the universe.

  • Connection to Other Laws: The foundational principle connects our experiences to the larger cosmos. Understanding this interconnectedness helps us see how our thoughts and actions can ripple across the universe, impacting others and the outer world.
  • Practical Application: To practice the Law of Divine Oneness, start by recognizing the impact of your actions and thoughts on others in your own life and circle. Cultivate empathy and compassion in daily interactions. Acknowledge that every positive thought or deed contributes to the collective well-being of the universe.

Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration states that everything in the universe, including thoughts, comprises vibrating energy. Each entity has its unique vibrational frequency.

  • Connection to Other Laws: This law is crucial for understanding the Law of Attraction.

The vibrational frequency of our thoughts and feelings sets the stage for attracting similar energies. It shows how our inner state directly influences our external environment.

  • Practical Application: Incorporate practices that elevate your vibration, such as meditation, mindfulness, or engaging in joyful activities. Be aware of your emotional state, aiming to maintain positive, high-frequency vibrations.

Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence posits that the principles governing the cosmos are reflected in our personal lives ("As above, so below").

It suggests a harmony between the macrocosm (universe) and microcosm (individual).

  • Connection to Other Laws: This law provides insight into how our reality mirrors the larger universal truths. It's closely related to the Law of Divine Oneness and the Law of Attraction, showing how our internal world reflects our external reality.
  • Practical Application: Observe patterns in your life as reflections of your inner world. Work on transforming negative thoughts and beliefs, as these will manifest in your external circumstances. Focus on creating a positive inner dialogue.

Law of Attraction

The most popular universal law, the Law of Attraction, states that like attracts like. It implies that our thoughts and feelings attract similar energies, whether positive or negative.

  • Connection to Other Laws: The Law of Attraction is a natural consequence of the Law of Vibration. Our vibrational frequency determines the energies we attract. It's also tied to the Law of Correspondence, reflecting our inner state in our life circumstances.
  • Practical Application: Practice mindfulness in your thoughts and emotions. Focus on positive affirmations and visualizations to attract desired outcomes. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude to attract more abundance and positivity into your life.

Law of Inspired Action

The Law of Inspired Action emphasizes the importance of taking proactive steps toward your goals and desires.

It's not enough to simply wish or visualize; action must be taken to manifest these aspirations.

  • Connection to Other Laws: This law works hand-in-hand with the Law of Attraction. While the Law of Attraction draws opportunities towards you, the Law of Inspired Action requires you to seize these opportunities. It bridges the gap between the mental and physical realms.
  • Practical Application: Listen to your intuition and take steps towards your goals, even small ones. Act on your inspirations when they arise. Remember, no matter how small, every action moves you closer to your desired outcome.

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The law of perpetual transmutation of energy states that energy is constantly in flux and transformation. High-vibrational energy will naturally transmit lower vibrational energy to a higher frequency.

  • Connection to Other Laws: It's closely linked with the Law of Vibration. Understanding this law allows us to change negative situations by applying positive energy, thus transforming our experiences.
  • Practical Application: Surround yourself with positive influences and environments that uplift your energy. When faced with negativity, consciously shift your focus to positive thoughts and emotions to transmute the energy around you.

Law of Cause and Effect

Often phrased as "every action reacts," this is what the law of cause and effect translates to, that every decision and action brings about a corresponding outcome. It highlights the direct impact of our actions on our lives and the world and that equal and opposite reaction.

  • Connection to Other Laws: This law is fundamental to understanding the mechanics of other laws, particularly the Law of Attraction. It reinforces the idea that we are the architects of our destiny through our actions and decisions.
  • Practical Application: Be mindful of your actions and decisions, recognizing their potential consequences. Make choices that align with your values and desired outcomes, understanding that each decision shapes your future.

Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation relates to the rewards and returns we receive for our deeds and thoughts. It is often summarized as "you reap what you sow." This law ensures that we receive back in kind what we put out into the world.

  • Connection to Other Laws: This law complements the Law of Cause and Effect and the Law of Attraction. It underscores the principle that our actions and intentions not only affect our immediate circumstances but also determine the rewards we receive.
  • Practical Application: Focus on giving positivity, kindness, and value in your actions.

The more you contribute positively to the lives of others, the more you will receive in return. This can manifest in various forms, including wealth, love, friendship, and opportunities.

Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity teaches that each person will receive a series of problems to strengthen the light within. Each of these tests is a challenge and remains a challenge until we have learned to look at it in a more positive light.

The Law of Relativity states that nothing is what it is until you relate it to something. It is all about the neutrality of things when seen in isolation.

  • Connection to Other Laws: This law is connected to the Law of Polarity because it requires the understanding that all things are relative and that problems are simply opportunities in disguise. This law helps us compare our problems to others' problems and put everything into its proper perspective.
  • Practical Application: Learn to see your problems as potential opportunities and try to keep them in perspective. Practice gratitude for the lessons and strengths derived from each challenge. Remember, challenges are tailored to each individual's unique journey and personal growth.

Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.

  • Connection to Other Laws: This law aligns with the Law of Vibration, as it emphasizes the dual nature of all things. Understanding this law is key to transforming our experiences by recognizing that we can focus on every situation's positive aspects.
  • Practical Application: Embrace and understand the opposites in your life. When facing a negative situation, identify its opposite positive counterpart and focus your energy there. This approach can change your perspective and experience of life events.

Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God's Universe.

  • Connection to Other Laws: This law is closely related to the Law of Vibration. It teaches us to understand life's natural cycles and flow with them rather than resisting them.
  • Practical Application: Learn to observe the natural rhythms in your life and the world around you. Work with these rhythms instead of against them. For example, understanding and accepting the ebb and flow of business, relationships, and personal energy can help you make the most of each phase.

Law of Gender

The Law of Gender states that everything has a yin and yang, meaning having feminine and masculine energies and that these are the basis for all creation.

It emphasizes that we must balance our masculine and feminine energy to become a true co-creator with God.

  • Connection to Other Laws: This law complements the Law of Divine Oneness by highlighting the duality within the universe's unity. It also ties into the Law of Polarity, emphasizing the dual nature of reality.
  • Practical Application: Focus on balancing the masculine and feminine energies within yourself. Cultivate assertiveness and empathy, logic and intuition, strength and flexibility. You can live a more harmonious and fulfilled life by achieving this balance.


Exploring the 12 universal laws offers a profound journey into the universe's mechanics and our place within it.

These laws, from the Law of Divine Oneness to the Law of Gender, collectively illuminate a path of spiritual enlightenment and personal growth.

They teach us about:

  • The interconnectedness of life
  • The power of our thoughts and actions
  • The importance of harmony and balance

Each law reveals a unique facet of the cosmic puzzle, guiding us to understand and harness the subtle energies that shape our reality.

By embracing these principles, we enhance our well-being and contribute positively to the collective consciousness, known as universal consciousness in spirituality.

Remember that the wisdom of the universal laws is not just theoretical knowledge. It's a practical guidebook for living a fulfilling, harmonious, and purpose-driven life.

Experiment with them, observe the outcomes, and make them a part of your conscious living. In doing so, you'll unlock a deeper understanding of the universe and your role in it, paving the way for a life of greater joy, balance, and fulfillment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the third law of the universe?

The 3rd law of the universe is the Law of Correspondence, which states, "As above, so below; as below, so above."

This law suggests a harmony between the macrocosm and the microcosm, indicating that the patterns in the cosmos are also reflected in our lives.

What are the laws of nature and the universe?

The laws of nature and the universe include the physical laws governing the natural world, such as gravity, and the spiritual or universal laws guiding our spiritual and metaphysical experiences.

These laws provide a comprehensive understanding of the universe's workings.

Who wrote the 12 laws of the universe?

The 12 laws of the universe are not attributed to a single author but are a culmination of wisdom from various ancient cultures, spiritual traditions, and philosophical teachings.

Numerous scholars and spiritual leaders have compiled and interpreted them over centuries.


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What Are the Laws of The Universe? The 12 Laws, Explained. - Days Inspired

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The 12 laws of the universe to live better


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