
The latest advice and deep-dive into all you need to know about unlocking insights and guidance through tarot.

As you likely know—and it's totally okay if you don't—the tarot consists of 78 cards divided into two parts. Here, we will focus on the Major Arcana, which encompass the first 22 cards of a typical tarot deck. These cards are the ‘big players’ in a tarot reading, representing major life events, spiritual growth, and significant transitions. Unlike the Minor Arcana, which deals with daily life and smaller choices, the Major Arcana speaks to the larger picture of our journey and the lessons we need to learn along the way.

“The Major Arcana cards represent the great concepts of the Universe. Each card represents something profound and shows us one theme, lesson, message, or basic energy.” - Gail Fairfield, Choice Centered Tarot

The Fool’s Journey Through the Major Arcana

If you're interested in tarot, chances are you appreciate a good story. The Major Arcana offers a relatable and layered narrative of the human experience, known as "The Fool’s Journey." This journey begins with card zero, the Fool, and ends with card 21, The World.

While the word "fool" might have negative connotations, the Fool in tarot cards represents so much more. Sure, they may appear to be walking dangerously close to the edge of a cliff, but the Fool is a symbol of new beginnings, boundless possibilities, and an open mind. This card invites us to embrace exploration, welcoming new experiences without fear of the unknown.

From there, the remaining 21 cards of the Major Arcana, numbered 1 through 21, guide us through various stages of life. Each occult tarot card in the Major Arcana builds on the last, contributing a layer of complexity, symbolism, and meaning. Through their card images, we can interpret deep messages that apply to significant life events and challenges we face on our personal path.

Dividing the Major Arcana: The Septenaries

The Major Arcana can be further divided into three groups of seven cards, known as the septenaries. Each septenary explores a different phase of personal growth and development.

Septenary One: Cards 1–7 (The Beginning)

The first seven cards represent the early stages of the Fool’s journey. These are the formative years of life, where we explore the outside world and begin to understand our place within it. We experience themes of self-discovery and external growth.

This phase of the Major Arcana focuses on coming into one’s own and gaining new life experiences through outward actions.

Septenary Two: Cards 8–14 (Introspection)

The second septenary focuses on introspection, inner growth, and connecting with our deeper selves. It’s about facing internal challenges and lessons.

  • Strength (VIII) teaches us about courage and inner power, not just through brute force but through compassion and resolve.

  • The Hermit (IX) speaks to solitude and self-reflection, a necessary pause for wisdom and understanding.

  • The Wheel of Fortune (X) introduces the concept of fate and cycles, reminding us that major change is inevitable.

  • Justice (XI) asks us to consider fairness and balance in our decisions, seeking truth in all circumstances.

  • The Hanged Man (XII) invites us to shift perspectives and embrace surrender.

  • Death (XIII), often misunderstood, symbolizes transformation and the end of cycles, not literal death.

  • Temperance (XIV) reminds us of the importance of balance and moderation.

This group of cards invites us to turn inward, reflect, and grow from within, as we confront our own truths and align with our higher purpose.

Septenary Three: Cards 15–21 (Self-Actualization)

The final septenary guides the Fool toward enlightenment and self-actualization. This phase is about confronting major challenges and aligning with a higher purpose.

  • The Devil (XV) represents the temptations and limitations that hold us back, whether in material or emotional form.

  • The Tower (XVI) brings sudden change, disruption, and the collapse of old structures.

  • The Star (XVII) offers hope, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose after the storm.

  • The Moon card (XVIII) guides us through uncertainty and illusion, while The Sun (XIX) represents clarity, success, and vitality.

  • Judgement card (XX) calls for self-reflection and awakening, encouraging us to answer life’s deeper questions.

  • Finally, The World (XXI) signals completion and fulfillment, marking the Fool’s journey toward unity with the universe.

This phase of the journey reflects the soul’s realization of its purpose, challenges, and ultimate integration with the greater universe.

The Significance of the Major Arcana in Tarot Readings

When the Major Arcana cards appear in a tarot reading, they usually point to significant life events, transitions, or lessons. These cards carry more weight in a reading than those of the Minor Arcana, as they tap into deeper themes that shape our path over time. They remind us to look beyond the everyday and consider the bigger picture.

The Major Arcana guide us through life’s natural transitions—from innocence and naivete to self-actualization and enlightenment. They speak to the moments in life that shape who we are and what we will become. Each card reminds us of the journey we are on, whether it’s the optimism of the Fool card, the transformation of the Death card, or the final culmination of The World card.

When you see Major Arcana cards in a reading, pay special attention to their meanings—they often indicate moments of self-discovery, major decisions, or spiritual awakenings. They serve as powerful tools in fortune telling, revealing the lessons we need to embrace for personal growth and fulfillment.

The Fool’s Journey: A Universal Story

The beauty of the Major Arcana lies in their universal themes. Whether you’re new to tarot cards or a seasoned reader, these cards offer wisdom that resonates with life’s most significant milestones. The journey of the Fool is one we can all relate to—the excitement of new beginnings, the challenges we face, the growth we undergo, and ultimately, the wisdom we gain.

Each tarot card in the Major Arcana brings a unique message. They symbolize the highs and lows of life, offering a mirror for our experiences. When you draw these cards in a reading, they often point to the larger lessons at play, encouraging you to reflect on your journey and how you can continue to grow.


The Major Arcana is a powerful collection of 22 cards that tells the story of life’s greatest lessons. From the innocence of the Fool to the fulfillment of The World, these cards guide us through significant life events, challenges, and moments of transformation. When they appear in a tarot reading, they invite us to explore the deeper meanings of our life experience and embrace the changes necessary for personal and spiritual growth.


The contents of this article are provided for informational purposes only. Take what resonates with you and leave behind anything that doesn't. Anahana is not liable for any interpretations, insights, or outcomes that may arise from using the information provided. 


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