Nema Blog

Weekly Zodiac Forecast: September 23-29, 2024

Written by Sydney Garden | Sep 20, 2024 4:00:00 AM

What to Expect In The Zodiac This Week

This week brings a potent mix of passion, intuition, and practicality as we transition into Libra season. Venus dives deep into the mysterious waters of Scorpio, urging us to explore our desires and emotions with intensity. The Moon’s journey through Cancer, Leo, and Virgo encourages a blend of nurturing, creativity, and groundedness.

Midweek, Mercury in Virgo trines Neptune in Pisces, amplifying our imagination and helping us find clarity in dreams. However, be ready for tension on Friday as Mars in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, testing our patience and resolve. By the weekend, Mars trines Saturn, inviting a more harmonious flow, while the Moon in Virgo brings a calming, organized energy, perfect for setting new intentions and plans.

Key Dates:

  • Venus enters Scorpio: Monday, September 23

  • Moon enters Cancer: Tuesday, September 24

  • Mercury in Virgo trine Neptune in Pisces: Wednesday, September 25

  • Moon enters Leo: Thursday, September 26

  • Mars in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces: Friday, September 27

  • Moon enters Virgo: Sunday, September 29

Unpacking What’s Going On

Love & Relationships

This week’s cosmic shifts ask us to go deeper in matters of the heart. On Monday, Venus enters Scorpio, setting the tone for intensity in love. If you’ve been skimming the surface in your relationships, now is the time to dive into the depths. Emotions may feel heightened, and hidden desires or unresolved feelings could bubble to the surface. If there’s something you’ve been avoiding discussing with your partner, the energy this week encourages honesty and vulnerability. Secrets may come out, but this is an opportunity to transform your relationships by building trust.

Tuesday brings the Moon into nurturing Cancer, emphasizing emotional security and connection. This is a great time for heart-to-heart conversations or spending quality time with loved ones. Lean into the comfort of home, cook a meal together, or create a cozy environment to share your feelings. On Wednesday, as Mercury in Virgo trines Neptune in Pisces, communication flows more intuitively. Words will carry an extra dose of compassion and understanding. Use this energy to express your feelings creatively or make romantic gestures that speak from the heart.

However, by Friday, when Mars in Gemini squares Saturn in Pisces, patience is tested. You may feel blocked or misunderstood in your relationships. If tension arises, avoid impulsive reactions. Take a breath and ask yourself, “What is this frustration trying to teach me?” By Sunday, with Mars trine Saturn, the cosmos offers a gentler path forward. You’ll feel more at ease finding compromises or working through issues with a balanced approach.

Careers & Work

In the professional sphere, the week kicks off with a deep dive into strategic thinking and intuition. With Venus in Scorpio from Monday, you might find yourself reassessing your professional relationships and alliances. Are you truly aligning with people who support your growth? It's a powerful week to form deeper connections that have the potential to transform your career. Keep your eyes open for hidden opportunities, especially those that require discretion or behind-the-scenes maneuvering.

Wednesday brings a boost of creativity and clarity when Mercury in Virgo trines Neptune in Pisces. This is an excellent day for brainstorming, planning, and visualizing long-term goals. Your analytical mind and imaginative spirit will work in harmony. If you’ve been mulling over a big idea, now’s the time to pitch it or move it forward.

Friday, however, brings a challenge as Mars squares Saturn. You may face resistance from higher-ups or encounter delays in projects. Don’t let this deter you. Instead, use this time to re-evaluate your approach. It’s less about pushing harder and more about finding a smarter way. Reflect on how to work around obstacles with patience and persistence. By Sunday, Mars trines Saturn, rewarding those who stayed the course with a sense of achievement and forward momentum. The Moon’s entry into Virgo on the same day offers a supportive energy for planning, organizing, and wrapping up tasks.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth

Libra season begins this week, encouraging us to seek balance and harmony in all areas of our lives. As Venus moves into Scorpio on Monday, there is a strong pull toward introspection and self-awareness. You might feel a desire to explore your inner depths, understand your motivations, and get in touch with your true feelings. Journaling, meditation, or even a heart-to-heart conversation with a trusted friend could be particularly enlightening now.

The Moon’s entry into Cancer on Tuesday heightens our sensitivity and emotional awareness. This is a wonderful time to nurture yourself—whether that means enjoying a warm bath, getting more rest, or simply allowing yourself to feel your emotions without judgment. Wednesday’s Mercury-Neptune trine invites us to dream big while staying grounded in practical details. Use this day to visualize your future, set intentions, or connect with your spiritual side. It’s a perfect time to trust your intuition, so pay attention to the signs and synchronicities around you.

Friday’s Mars-Saturn square may bring some frustration or a feeling of being stuck. If you’re feeling blocked or slowed down, remember that sometimes, the universe hits the brakes for a reason. Use this time to reflect on where you are placing your energy. Are you pursuing something out of alignment with your true desires? Realign your actions with your goals.

By Sunday, with Mars trine Saturn and the Moon in Virgo, you’ll feel a renewed sense of direction and discipline. It’s a day to plan and organize—whether that’s decluttering your space, setting up a new routine, or taking steps toward your long-term goals. The Virgo Moon reminds us that growth is a step-by-step process. Focus on what you can accomplish today to build a better tomorrow.

This week’s astrology asks you to look within, confront what’s hidden, and find a way to move forward with both courage and compassion. Keep your heart open, your mind flexible, and your spirit grounded. The universe has your back; you just need to trust the process. 🌟



What Lies Ahead For Your Zodiac Sign: September 23rd - 29th, 2024

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

What to Expect
Aries, this week is a cosmic cocktail of intensity and intrigue, pushing you to dive deep into your emotions and passions. You’ll feel the urge to explore new depths in your relationships and step boldly into your next career move. Be prepared for both the beauty and the friction that comes from these energetic shifts.

Love & Relationships
With Venus slipping into intense Scorpio on Monday, expect the week to start with a passionate bang. Secrets may surface, and the call for emotional honesty will be strong. This is the time to speak your truth, even if it feels a little scary. As the Moon enters nurturing Cancer on Tuesday, don’t shy away from showing your softer side. By Friday, when Mars squares Saturn, patience will be your ally in love. Try not to push too hard against the tide; instead, find peace in understanding where boundaries lie.

Careers & Work
Midweek, Mercury in Virgo trines Neptune in Pisces, blessing you with sharp intuition and creative problem-solving skills. It’s an excellent time for brainstorming, negotiations, or any tasks that require clarity of thought and empathy. But with Mars squaring Saturn on Friday, you may encounter a temporary roadblock or resistance from authority figures. Don’t be discouraged, Aries; think of it as a sign to reassess and refine your strategy. By the weekend, when the Moon enters Virgo, practical planning will help you overcome these obstacles.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
The start of Libra season encourages you to find balance and harmony, even in the midst of conflict. The Moon’s move into fiery Leo on Thursday will re-energize your spirit and spark your creativity, making it a great day for tackling projects with enthusiasm. By Sunday, as Mars trines Saturn and the Moon settles into Virgo, you’ll find a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. Use this grounding energy to organize your thoughts and set your intentions for the weeks ahead.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

What to Expect
Taurus, prepare for a week of deep emotional shifts and intuitive insights. Venus, your ruling planet, dives into the mysterious waters of Scorpio, prompting you to dig deeper into your feelings and desires. There’s also a focus on relationships and the delicate dance between passion and power.

Love & Relationships
With Venus entering Scorpio on Monday, your romantic life takes on a more intense flavor. You’re feeling everything more deeply now, which can lead to profound connection or intense misunderstandings. Be clear about your intentions. As the Moon enters Cancer on Tuesday, emotional security becomes a priority. By Friday, with Mars squaring Saturn, there may be some friction or a sense of being held back. Don’t force things; instead, let the tension reveal what needs to change.

Careers & Work
This week, trust your instincts, especially around Wednesday when Mercury in Virgo trines Neptune. You may find that the solutions to work challenges come from thinking outside the box. However, expect some delays or setbacks by Friday with the Mars-Saturn square. These obstacles are not a stop sign but rather a prompt to rethink your approach. The Moon in Virgo on Sunday brings a pragmatic energy, perfect for laying down plans or finishing up any lingering tasks.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
With the Sun moving into Libra, you’re called to balance work and play. The Moon in Leo on Thursday brings a burst of confidence—use this time to step out of your comfort zone and showcase your talents. By the weekend, the Moon in Virgo invites you to ground yourself, perhaps through a calming ritual or some time spent in nature. It’s a good time to focus on self-care and practical steps that align with your long-term goals.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

What to Expect
Gemini, this week is all about communication and emotional clarity. With Venus entering Scorpio, you may find that conversations take a deeper, more intense turn. Balancing your dual nature will be key as you navigate both intellectual pursuits and emotional connections.

Love & Relationships
With Venus moving into Scorpio on Monday, your love life is due for a shake-up. Conversations could become more probing, and you might find yourself exploring topics you usually avoid. Don’t shy away from these moments; instead, see them as opportunities for deeper understanding. When the Moon moves into Leo on Thursday, you’ll be in the mood for a bit of fun and flirtation—plan a date or connect with friends who lift your spirits.

Careers & Work
Mercury trines Neptune on Wednesday, giving you a boost in creative thinking and imaginative solutions. It’s a great time for writing, pitching ideas, or any kind of work that requires persuasive communication. But be mindful on Friday, as Mars squares Saturn, potentially causing a clash with colleagues or authority figures. Stay adaptable and patient. The Moon in Virgo on Sunday will help you tidy up loose ends and bring focus to detail-oriented tasks.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
As Libra season begins, seek harmony in your surroundings. The Moon in Leo on Thursday fills you with vibrant energy, making it an excellent time for social activities or creative endeavors. By the weekend, with Mars trine Saturn and the Moon in Virgo, take a step back and assess where you’ve been and where you’re headed. It's a time for grounding yourself and creating practical plans for your future.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

What to Expect
Cancer, get ready for a week of heightened emotions and intuitive insights. With Venus moving into Scorpio, you’ll be more attuned to the subtle undercurrents in your relationships and surroundings. Trust your instincts—they’re guiding you toward something meaningful.

Love & Relationships
As Venus enters Scorpio on Monday, expect a surge in emotional intensity. You might feel more passionate and protective about your loved ones. When the Moon moves into your sign on Tuesday, emotions run even deeper. Use this energy to connect on a heart level, but be mindful of not becoming overly sensitive. By Friday, Mars squaring Saturn may bring some tension—focus on clear communication and boundary-setting to navigate these waters.

Careers & Work
Mercury in Virgo trines Neptune midweek, enhancing your intuition at work. Trust those gut feelings, especially if you’re making important decisions or dealing with complex situations. However, Mars square Saturn on Friday might bring some frustration—don’t let it deter you. Use the Virgo Moon’s energy on Sunday to methodically address any outstanding work or plans that need fine-tuning.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
Libra season encourages you to find balance and beauty in your daily life. As the Moon enters Leo on Thursday, you’ll feel a burst of creative energy—embrace it by doing something expressive or joyful. The weekend brings a grounding vibe with the Moon in Virgo, perfect for self-care and organizing your space. Remember, Cancer, a well-organized outer world helps calm the inner one.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

What to Expect
Leo, this week has a bit of everything for you—intensity, creativity, and a chance to shine. With Venus moving into Scorpio, your focus shifts to deeper emotional connections and introspection. But don’t worry; there’s still plenty of room for fun and adventure.

Love & Relationships
As Venus enters Scorpio on Monday, you might find yourself craving deeper emotional bonds. Secrets may come to the surface, and it’s a good time to explore what truly lies beneath the surface of your relationships. By Thursday, when the Moon enters your sign, you’re in your element—ready to shine, flirt, and attract attention. Enjoy the limelight but keep it real; authenticity will win hearts over theatrics.

Careers & Work
This week brings a blend of intuition and action. Mercury trines Neptune on Wednesday, encouraging you to use your creativity and intuition in your professional life. But watch out on Friday as Mars squares Saturn, creating some tension around deadlines or authority figures. Stay calm and use your natural charisma to navigate these challenges. By Sunday, the Moon in Virgo helps you ground your ambitions in reality, turning dreams into achievable plans.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
Libra season encourages you to find balance, especially in your creative and social pursuits. As the Moon moves into your sign on Thursday, you’ll feel a surge of energy and confidence—channel it into something that lights you up. By the weekend, the Moon in Virgo calls for a more measured approach. Take time to rest, reflect, and plan your next steps.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

What to Expect
Virgo, this week is all about clarity, introspection, and balancing your practical side with your imaginative one. With Venus entering Scorpio, emotions deepen, and you may find yourself drawn to life’s mysteries. Let your curiosity lead the way.

Love & Relationships
Venus entering Scorpio on Monday brings a desire for deeper, more meaningful connections. You may feel more introspective and contemplative about your relationships. On Wednesday, Mercury in your sign trines Neptune, helping you articulate your feelings with empathy and insight. But when Mars squares Saturn on Friday, prepare for potential frustrations or misunderstandings. Use the Moon in Virgo on Sunday to find your footing and ground yourself in what truly matters.

Careers & Work
Midweek, your ruler Mercury trines Neptune, making it a fantastic time for any tasks that require creativity or problem-solving. But Friday’s Mars-Saturn square might create some tension or delays in your work plans. Take it as an opportunity to reassess and refine your strategies. The Moon in Virgo over the weekend is perfect for catching up on details, organizing, and clearing your space—both physically and mentally.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
As the Sun moves into Libra, you’re called to balance your daily routines with moments of joy. The Moon in Leo on Thursday brings a bit of fun and lightness to your week, perfect for spontaneous activities or creative expression. By Sunday, when the Moon is in your sign, focus on self-care and setting intentions for the coming weeks. Remember, Virgo, you’re at your best when you’re both dreaming and doing.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

What to Expect
Libra, happy birthday season! The Sun is now in your sign, bringing a sense of renewal and a chance to reflect on where you’re headed. This week, focus on balancing your relationships, career, and personal growth.

Love & Relationships
Venus enters Scorpio on Monday, stirring up deep emotions and possibly unearthing hidden desires. It’s a time for honest conversations and emotional clarity. By Thursday, the Moon in Leo encourages you to enjoy some light-hearted fun and socializing. Friday’s Mars square Saturn may bring tension or delays, so keep communication open and flexible.

Careers & Work
Wednesday’s Mercury-Neptune trine offers a boost to your creative and diplomatic skills—perfect for negotiating or pitching ideas. But Mars square Saturn on Friday might throw a curveball, making you feel stuck or constrained. Use the Moon in Virgo over the weekend to recalibrate and plan your next move carefully.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
As Libra season begins, balance is your mantra. The Moon in Leo on Thursday offers a burst of joy and creativity—perfect for celebrating yourself. By Sunday, with the Moon in Virgo, take some time for introspection and practical planning. Reflect on your goals and align them with your inner values. It’s your time to shine, Libra!

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

What to Expect
Scorpio, with Venus entering your sign on Monday, the focus shifts to self-awareness and deep connections. You’re stepping into your power, ready to embrace intensity and authenticity in every aspect of your life.

Love & Relationships
Venus in your sign means all eyes are on you, Scorpio. You’re magnetic, and your emotions are running deep. This is the time to express your feelings openly and honestly, even if it feels a bit vulnerable. Midweek, the Moon in Leo adds some flair and drama, perfect for a romantic gesture or deep conversation. Be mindful on Friday, as Mars squares Saturn, potentially bringing tension. Use your intuition to navigate any conflict with grace.

Careers & Work
This week’s Mercury-Neptune trine enhances your intuition and creative vision, making it a great time for strategic planning or creative projects. However, Friday’s Mars-Saturn square might slow your momentum at work. Don’t get frustrated; instead, use this as a chance to rethink and re-strategize. By Sunday, with the Moon in Virgo, focus on practical tasks and wrap up any loose ends.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
Libra season encourages balance, and the Moon in Leo on Thursday brings out your playful side. Enjoy the spotlight but keep your emotional depth in check. By the weekend, the Moon in Virgo offers a grounding energy—perfect for reflection, meditation, or setting new intentions. Remember, Scorpio, you’re most powerful when you’re both fierce and gentle.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

What to Expect
Sagittarius, this week’s energy is all about balancing your free spirit with practical goals. With Venus moving into Scorpio, you may feel a pull toward introspection and deeper emotional understanding.

Love & Relationships
Venus in Scorpio brings a mysterious vibe to your love life. You might find yourself drawn to intense conversations or moments of deep connection. By Thursday, when the Moon moves into Leo, your playful, adventurous side takes over—plan something fun and spontaneous with someone you care about. But be mindful on Friday, as Mars squares Saturn, potentially leading to misunderstandings. Stay open and communicative to keep things flowing smoothly.

Careers & Work
Wednesday’s Mercury-Neptune trine boosts your creative thinking and helps you see new possibilities in your work. Use this energy to innovate or pitch new ideas. However, Mars-Saturn square on Friday may bring delays or unexpected challenges. Don’t get discouraged; use this as a prompt to think outside the box. By Sunday, the Virgo Moon will help you put practical plans in place for your next big step.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
Libra season asks you to find harmony between freedom and commitment. The Moon in Leo on Thursday fills you with energy and enthusiasm, perfect for adventures and creative projects. By the weekend, with the Moon in Virgo, take time to ground yourself. Reflect on what you’ve learned and set intentions for the future. Remember, Sagittarius, growth is about the journey, not just the destination.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

What to Expect
Capricorn, this week’s energy encourages you to balance ambition with introspection. Venus in Scorpio intensifies your relationships, and the cosmic shifts push you to reflect on your goals and values.

Love & Relationships
With Venus entering Scorpio, expect a deeper emotional connection in your relationships. You might feel more protective or intense about your loved ones. Midweek, the Moon in Leo brings a light-hearted vibe—plan something fun or creative to balance the heaviness. By Friday, Mars squares Saturn, potentially causing some friction or delays in plans. Stay patient and let the tension guide you toward meaningful conversations.

Careers & Work
Wednesday’s Mercury-Neptune trine sharpens your intuition and helps you see the bigger picture. Use this to strategize or think through complex problems at work. However, Mars-Saturn square on Friday might cause obstacles. Don’t panic; think of it as a chance to reassess your priorities. The Virgo Moon over the weekend encourages you to focus on the details, making it a perfect time to plan, organize, and prepare for the future.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
Libra season nudges you to find balance in all areas of your life. The Moon in Leo on Thursday gives you a boost of confidence—use it to take a risk or try something new. By Sunday, the grounding energy of the Virgo Moon will help you solidify your plans and connect with your inner self. Remember, Capricorn, every step you take, no matter how small, moves you closer to your goals.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

What to Expect
Aquarius, this week’s energy is a blend of deep introspection and lively expression. With Venus entering Scorpio, you may find yourself craving depth in your connections, while cosmic shifts prompt you to embrace both your logical and emotional sides.

Love & Relationships
With Venus moving into Scorpio, your relationships may feel more intense. You’ll crave deeper conversations and emotional honesty. Thursday’s Moon in Leo brings a playful vibe, perfect for light-hearted fun or creative date ideas. But Friday’s Mars square Saturn might bring some challenges, particularly around communication. Keep things transparent and open, Aquarius.

Careers & Work
Wednesday’s Mercury-Neptune trine enhances your creative and strategic thinking, making it a good day for planning and innovation. But with Mars square Saturn on Friday, be prepared for some delays or resistance in your professional life. Take these obstacles as an opportunity to rethink your approach. The Moon in Virgo over the weekend is perfect for detail-oriented work or organizing your plans.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
Libra season encourages balance, and the Moon in Leo on Thursday fills you with enthusiasm. Use this energy to pursue your passions or start a new project. By Sunday, the Virgo Moon brings a grounding influence, helping you find clarity and focus. Take this time to reconnect with yourself and set your intentions for the future.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

What to Expect
Pisces, this week offers a mix of dreamy introspection and practical planning. With Venus entering Scorpio, your intuition is heightened, and you’re drawn to explore deeper emotional waters. Trust your inner guidance.

Love & Relationships
Venus in Scorpio turns up the emotional volume, prompting you to explore your feelings more deeply. When the Moon moves into Cancer on Tuesday, you’ll feel a nurturing and compassionate vibe in your relationships. But watch out for Friday’s Mars square Saturn, which could bring tension or miscommunication. Stay calm and use your empathic skills to navigate any conflicts.

Careers & Work
Midweek, Mercury trines Neptune, boosting your creativity and problem-solving skills. It’s a great time for brainstorming sessions or creative collaborations. However, the Mars-Saturn square on Friday may slow things down. Don’t rush; instead, use the Virgo Moon’s practical energy on Sunday to get organized and refine your strategies.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
Libra season invites you to balance your dreams with reality. The Moon in Leo on Thursday brings a burst of enthusiasm and creativity—perfect for self-expression. By the weekend, as the Moon moves into Virgo, ground yourself with a calming ritual or some reflective journaling. Remember, Pisces, clarity comes when you blend your dreams with practical action.