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10 Tips to Learn Tarot Cards

10 Tips to Learn Tarot Cards

Introduction to Tarot

Embark on the timeless practice of tarot reading with these foundational tips designed for the budding tarot enthusiast.

1. Start with a Traditional Deck

Choose a Rider-Waite-Smith deck as your learning tool; its classic imagery sets the standard. It's the most widely used deck for a reason – it's beginner-friendly!

2. Familiarize Yourself with the Cards

Study each card individually, noting its imagery and symbolism. The details in each card are the keys to understanding its message.

3. Learn the Basic Meanings

Memorize the standard meanings of the cards but stay open to personal interpretation. There are 78 cards, each a universe of meaning unto itself.

4. Start with Simple Spreads

Master simple layouts first, such as the three-card spread. This spread gives immediate and clear insights into past, present, and future dynamics.

5. Keep a Tarot Journal

Document your tarot journey by keeping a journal of your readings. Your journal is your personal roadmap to how the tarot speaks to you.

6. Practice Regularly

A daily card pull can sharpen your skills and intuition. Like any language, the language of tarot also requires regular conversation.

7. Trust Your Intuition

Allow your inner voice to resonate with the cards' meanings. Sometimes the cards speak not through the book, but through your life experiences.

8. Study Symbolism

Explore the universal symbols within the cards. Symbols are the soul of the tarot; they convey deep truths through shared human understanding.

9. Connect with the Tarot Community

Join tarot groups to learn from others. A community can offer diverse interpretations and methodologies that enrich your practice.

10. Be Patient with Yourself

Embrace the learning curve with kindness. Every tarot reader starts as a novice – every card laid is a step on the path to wisdom.


Learning tarot is a personal and intuitive journey. With patience and practice, you'll find that the tarot reveals not only the mysteries of the cosmos but also the depths of your inner self.

10 Tips to Learn Tarot Cards

10 Tips to Learn Tarot Cards

Introduction to Tarot Embark on the timeless practice of tarot reading with these foundational tips designed for the budding tarot enthusiast.

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