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About Nema

Where feeling flows and spirituality grows.

We see life as a personal journey.

Searching for meaning.

At Nema, we believe as humans, we crave connection, meaning, and to find truth in the mysterious. Searching for these is our life’s journey and is found on our unique path.

Finding our path.

We believe that the universe uncovered this mystery in signs and messages that show us when we’re heading in the right direction, getting distracted, or feeling lost.

With grace, we take one step at a time.

There is no right way to find this path. It’s ours to discover. Every day, life gives us opportunities to stay on our path and do so authentically - one step at a time, and one day at a time.

We’re Team Nema.

Each and every one of us at Nema is on a spiritual journey just like you. We are a team of passionate practitioners from all around the world, connected by our mission to make spirituality accessible and inclusive to everyone.

Our team’s expertise spans energy healing, psychology, meditation, yoga, tarot, astrology, personal growth, and psychotherapy.

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Meet the team.

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Natalia Ramirez

Senior CRM & Project Manager
Star Sign | Pisces
Personal Angel Number | 333

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Johan Hällegard

Operations Manager
Star Sign | Aries
Personal Angel Number | 17

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Sydney Garden

CRM Executive & Writer
Star Sign | Virgo
Personal Angel Number | 224

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Meriah McCauley

Yoga Teacher & Energy Healer
Star Sign | Capricorn
Personal Angel Number | 1111


Angel numbers - life’s quiet messengers.

Meet your spirit guides

Angel numbers are a part of the ancient system of numerology. Angel numbers are seen by many as celestial prompts that remind you to focus on what’s important.

Life isn’t random.

Showing up in patterns such as 11.11 or 22.22, on clocks, license plates, or your mobile phone, angel numbers keep repeating until you stop to notice them.

Stop to listen.

Nema explains how you can work out what angel numbers mean to your life. Our email guide shows you how to pay attention to these quiet celestial guides.

Work out what they mean.

Expect to see the same numbers show up, over and over. We help you to tune into your intuition and turn their persistent presence into an endearing part of life.

Astrology - discover the magic within you.

What makes you, you.

Ever wondered what makes you uniquely you? Your natal chart is like uncovering a secret map that’s been with you since the moment you were born. It reveals your authentic self and true potential.

Your story in the stars.

Through the zodiac, you’ll learn where you've come from, shows you who you are, and clarifies what the universe has in store for you - bringing focus and clarity.

A mirror for your soul.

We see astrology as a starting point with an open end-point. It doesn’t have all the answers, but is a powerful guide when we feel disconnected about who we are and where we’re heading.

Make sense of life.

Life makes more sense when we accept what we can change and accept the things that we can’t. Our take on the zodiac is enlightening, entertaining, and relatable.

The Tarot - weaving stories
into our lives.

Universal stories

Nema brings a contemporary lens to the Tarot, seeing tarot cards as storytellers that have universal meaning. Rather than show us the future, they encourage us to reflect.

Comforting reassurance.

When we’re faced with uncertainty and don’t know which way to turn or what to do, card readings offer reassurance that feels healing and can soothe our anxiety.

You’re not alone.

As we unpack a card's meaning, Nema teaches you how to read the kind of experiences that every one of us has - from grief and loss to the joy of new beginnings.

Ride life’s ups and downs.

Tarot isn't simply about understanding what happens to us; it's about reflecting on how we respond to life’s ups and downs. Nema is here to navigate them with you.

Connect with us on Instagram.

At Nema, we want you to be part of our spiritual family. Our vision is to create a community that is kind, open-minded, and inclusive. We can’t wait to get to know you and your beautiful soul. Come say hi - we’re here for you!

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