
The latest advice and deep-dive into all you need to know about unlocking insights and guidance through tarot.

The major arcana cards, also called trump cards, beautifully convey experiences we can all relate to. The hero's journey, or in the case of tarot, the fool's journey, encourages us to embrace our complexity; our moments of celebration and accomplishment, in addition to times we may have felt directionless and unsure of ourselves. Both experiences contribute to who we are now, where we came from, and the desire to learn from the past as we look toward our future.

"The cards in the Minor Arcana (the rest of the deck) can also portray characters, situations, and events that are recognizable types, but they don't have the deeper archetypal significance that those of the Major Arcana possess, because they are not as rich in their layers of spiritual and psychological symbolism, or personal and social importance." Janina Renée, Tarot for a New Generation.

A perhaps cliche but ultimately wise concept is the one of, too much of anything not being good for us. This adage can applied to tarot cards as well. When we pull the Sun card in a tarot reading, many of us feel a sense of relief. There is a warmth to this card, and naturally, we are drawn to things that leave us feeling lighter, more hopeful, and at peace. We also must be mindful, as too much 'Sun' can be harmful (I wear SPF 50 liberally these days, a lesson well-learned).

Through the works of talented organizations and people, like The Skin Deep and Esther Perel, I have become quite fascinated by the concept of intimacy-building prompts. Relationships are such an important part of our lives—the desire to be known and to know another is a basic human need.

We hope that the following intimacy-building prompts (inspired by the major arcana card meanings), encourage connection and a meaningful dialogue with the people you care about! You might also consider going through the tarot deck and reflecting on the corresponding card for each prompt to make this exercise more enriching, visual, and engaging.

The Fool

What are three qualities you had as a child that are still a core part of your personality?

The Magician

In what ways do you express yourself that are creative and meaningful to you?

The High Priestess

Does spirituality play a part in your life? If so, how? If not, are there other routines or rituals you practice to stay grounded?

The Empress

What do you think are the most important qualities of a truly great leader? How do you think those qualities uplift and empower those around them?

The Emperor

Growing up, who were your role models? This might be a real person or a fictional character (both are equally valid!).

The Hierophant

How has a teacher or mentor positively impacted your life? What did they see in you that maybe you hadn't yet seen in yourself?

The Lovers

What makes you feel most loved? And in what ways, big or small, do you show yourself love?

The Chariot

How do you pump yourself up before an important event, meeting, or job interview? Do you listen to a particular song or perform any rituals?


Have you ever stood up for something that, while difficult, felt important to defend or advocate for?

The Hermit

When do you feel most connected to yourself?

The Wheel of Fortune

Are you going through any major changes right now? If not, are there any past experiences that significantly shaped your life?


What does the phrase/construct 'quiet confidence' mean to you? Do you relate to any of these qualities? In what ways?

The Hanged Man

With the wisdom you have now, what guidance would you offer to your younger self?


Is there anything you are struggling to let go of? 


During periods of high stress, how do you decompress? What helps you feel more in balance?

The Devil

Are there any parts of yourself (or patterns of behavior) that you feel no longer serve you? How might you compassionately release those parts? 

The Tower

If you're comfortable sharing, can you think of a time when everything felt like it was falling apart? How did you access your inner strength to pick yourself back up?

The Star

What is something that you hope to see or experience in your lifetime?

The Moon

If you were to connect to your intuition right now, what might it tell you? 

The Sun

What energizes you or makes your life feel brighter?


Do you feel you have a true calling in life? Are you currently pursuing it?

The World

What is something you saw through to the end that you are proud of?

Some Final Thoughts

We hope that your journey through the Major Arcana has left you feeling closer to those you love through hearing their stories, as well as more connected to your own inner voice and wisdom. The life lessons that these cards bring to light can help us become more aware of our inner truths while we connect with others through shared experiences.

For example, the Moon card might remind us to trust our intuition, even when the path ahead seems unclear. Many believe it is within tarot decks themselves that wisdom lies, but through reflecting on and sharing our personal journeys with others, we begin to see that the true wisdom comes from within ourselves.


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