
The latest advice and deep-dive into all you need to know about unlocking insights and guidance through tarot.

Also referred to as coins in some tarot decks, the Suit of Pentacles is arguably the most pragmatic of the Minor Arcana tarot suits. The Major Arcana holds the cards most easily identified (and stigmatized) in a Tarot deck. Representing financial matters, material possessions, and career, the Pentacles represents bringing our attention to the material world and the tangible aspects of life. Whether it's financial security, job stability, or even the pursuit of material wealth, this suit is all about the physical realm and the results of our efforts.

A tarot deck consists of 14 tarot cards beginning with the Ace of Pentacles, progressing upward through the 10 of Pentacles, and concluding with the four Court cards, the Page, Knight, Queen and King of Pentacles. The Pentacles suit is associated with the earth signs of the zodiacTaurus, Virgo, and Capricorn—mirroring the grounded, stable energy of the earth element. In a tarot reading, the presence of Pentacles cards signals that the focus is on practical matters, such as career, money, and our sense of security. The material realm and our ability to manifest abundance are central themes here.

In a traditional deck of playing cards, the Pentacles correspond to Diamonds, highlighting their connection to wealth, resources, and the accumulation of prosperity.

Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

The Pentacles tarot cards are all about building foundations, creating financial security, and achieving tangible results through hard work. Whether it’s climbing the career ladder or nurturing long-term investments, the Pentacles suit invites us to focus on steady growth and material success.

As Sasha Graham explains in The Magic of Tarot, "Pentacles appears as building blocks of life and all things in the material world." These cards remind us that in order to thrive in the material world, we must be willing to put in the effort, plan for the future, and take practical steps toward our goals.

When a Pentacles card appear in a reading, they often symbolize the fruits of our labor—whether that’s success or money coming your way They reflect how we are positioned in terms of job security, career achievements, and even our sense of self-worth in relation to our material wealth.

"Pentacles are the building blocks of life and all things in the material world."
—Sasha Graham, The Magic of Tarot: Your Guide to Intuitive Readings, Rituals, and Spells

Key Pentacles Cards in Tarot

  • Ace of Pentacles: This card represents new beginnings in the material realm—whether it’s a new job, an investment opportunity, or a fresh start in securing long-term success. The Ace of Pentacles signals a chance for prosperity and encourages us to focus on practical goals.

  • Ten of Pentacles: The pinnacle of material success and financial security, this card signifies wealth, stability, and the achievement of family matters. It’s often a sign that the querent has built a strong foundation in their life.

  • Knight of Pentacles: Representing perseverance and hard work, the Knight reminds us that steady progress leads to success. This card encourages patience and dedication in pursuit of material goals.

  • Queen of Pentacles: She embodies nurturing and prosperity, representing a balance between taking care of oneself and creating abundance for others. The Queen of Pentacles encourages generosity and the cultivation of both inner and outer stability.

These Pentacles tarot cards serve as reminders that the key to abundance and prosperity lies in the work we put into our goals. Whether it’s the steady progress of the Knight of Pentacles or the culmination of material success in the Ten of Pentacles, the suit encourages us to focus on the here and now, building a solid foundation for the future.

Material Wealth and Practicality

The Suit of Pentacles reflects our relationship with the material world—how we earn, manage, and spend our resources. This suit urges us to be practical, grounded, and mindful of how we approach financial security and our material wealth. In a tarot reading, the presence of Pentacles suggests that it’s time to assess our material needs and take steps toward achieving stability.

At its core, the Pentacles suit teaches us that wealth accumulation and prosperity are the results of hard work and careful planning. These cards remind us not to chase quick fixes but to take the time to create sustainable success. They invite us to invest in our future and seek out opportunities for growth in both career and personal development.

Earth Element and Grounded Energy

Pentacles cards draw upon the steady, grounded energy of the earth element. Just as the earth provides nourishment and stability, so too does the Suit of Pentacles encourage us to cultivate a strong foundation in life. Whether through career, investments, or material comfort, this suit teaches us the importance of patience, perseverance, and focus on long-term goals.

The Pentacles not only symbolize good fortune but also represent the deeper sense of self-worth and fulfillment that comes from creating a stable life. These cards remind us to honor the practical side of our nature while also striving for personal growth and well-being.

Key Themes of the Suit of Pentacles

  • Financial security: Building wealth and creating a stable foundation for the future.

  • Material success: The rewards of hard work and dedication, whether in career or personal finances.

  • Long-term planning: Focusing on sustainable growth, rather than quick gains.

  • Self-worth: How our relationship with the material world reflects our sense of value and security.

  • Grounded energy: The importance of patience, practicality, and perseverance in achieving our goals.


The Suit of Pentacles is a reminder that success in the material world is earned through hard work, patience, and consistent effort. Whether you’re focusing on job security, financial stability, or creating abundance in your home life, the Pentacles offer guidance on how to cultivate prosperity and security. In a tarot reading, these cards highlight the importance of practical action and grounded energy in achieving your goals.

As the most grounded of the Minor Arcana, the Pentacles suit encourages us to focus on tangible results, ensuring that we are building something that will last. Whether it's securing financial security, accumulating wealth, or nurturing the material aspects of our life, the Pentacles remind us to stay focused on what truly matters in the physical realm.


The contents of this article are provided for informational purposes only. Take what resonates with you and leave behind anything that doesn't. Anahana is not liable for any interpretations, insights, or outcomes that may arise from using the information provided.


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