

The latest advice and deep-dive into all you need to know about astrology, the stars, and your cosmic journey.

What to Expect In The Zodiac This Week

This week’s cosmic lineup is bringing a wave of change and new beginnings. The Sun and Mercury team up in Libra on Monday, kicking off the week with clarity and a chance for meaningful conversations. As the Moon joins the Libra party on Tuesday, the energy is all about balance and fairness.

Wednesday’s New Moon and solar eclipse are game-changers, offering a powerful reset—think of it as a cosmic clean slate. Mars’ shift into Cancer on Thursday stirs up emotions, urging us to nurture our inner world. By the weekend, the Moon’s move through Scorpio and Sagittarius will have us diving deep before craving freedom and adventure.

Key Dates:

  • Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra: Monday, Sept 30

  • Moon enters Libra: Tuesday, Oct 1

  • New Moon in Libra (solar eclipse): Wednesday, Oct 2

  • Mars enters Cancer: Thursday, Oct 3

  • Moon enters Scorpio: Friday, Oct 4

  • Moon enters Sagittarius: Sunday, Oct 6

Get ready to embrace transformation and welcome fresh starts!

Unpacking What's Going On

Love & Relationships

Monday, September 30 brings a rare cosmic combination as the Sun and Mercury meet in Libra, the sign of partnerships. This energy encourages open and honest communication. If you’ve been holding back on saying something, now’s the time to share your thoughts. For those in a relationship, it’s a perfect day to discuss future plans or resolve any lingering misunderstandings. Single? Get out there and socialize—this alignment can help you connect with someone on a deeper intellectual level.

By Wednesday, October 2, we have a potent New Moon and solar eclipse in Libra. Eclipses are like cosmic wild cards—they bring sudden shifts and new beginnings. In the realm of love, this could mean a fresh start. If you’ve been stuck in a relationship pattern that no longer serves you, this is your cue to make a change. Couples might feel a renewed sense of commitment, while singles could attract someone entirely unexpected. This energy asks you to balance your needs with those of others—it's all about fairness and mutual respect.

As Mars enters Cancer on Thursday, October 3, emotions take the lead in relationships. This is a good time to nurture your bonds and show vulnerability. Cancerians are known for their protective nature, so channel this energy into creating a safe and loving space for yourself and your loved ones. However, be mindful of not becoming too clingy or defensive. Balance is key.

Careers & Work

Starting the week with the Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra on Monday, September 30 is a productivity booster. This alignment sharpens your communication skills, making it an ideal time to pitch ideas, negotiate deals, or engage in collaborative projects. If you’ve been struggling to articulate your thoughts or push forward a work proposal, this energy helps you find the right words and charm your way to success.

The New Moon and solar eclipse on Wednesday, October 2 marks a significant turning point in your professional life. Eclipses often bring unexpected opportunities—or endings. This could mean the start of a new project, job offer, or even a sudden shift in your current role. Be prepared to pivot and adapt; flexibility will be your best ally. Use this time to set clear intentions for your career path over the next six months. If you’ve been dreaming about making a bold career move, this is your green light.

With Mars entering Cancer on Thursday, October 3, the focus shifts to work-life balance. You may feel more inclined to take on projects that resonate emotionally rather than just for profit or recognition. It’s a great time to nurture professional relationships, but be cautious of letting emotions cloud your judgment in business matters. Use this energy to build a supportive network rather than retreating into a shell.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth

The week kicks off with a mental clarity boost thanks to the Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra on Monday, September 30. This is a great day for journaling, meditating, or simply reflecting on where you’re headed. You’ll find it easier to connect the dots and see things from a balanced perspective. Use this energy to set some mindful intentions for the week ahead.

The New Moon and solar eclipse in Libra on Wednesday, October 2 are all about recalibrating your inner scales. This is a powerful moment to let go of old habits and start fresh. Think about what’s been weighing you down emotionally. Is it a toxic habit, a draining relationship, or even self-doubt? Use this lunation to release and reset. Try a new wellness routine, declutter your space, or engage in a grounding activity like yoga or nature walks.

When Mars enters Cancer on Thursday, October 3, emotions may feel a bit heightened. You might find yourself more sensitive or introspective. It’s important to channel this energy constructively. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, practice self-care rituals that soothe the soul—cooking a comforting meal, taking a long bath, or simply spending time with loved ones. This transit invites you to nurture your emotional health, so don’t ignore what’s bubbling beneath the surface.

By the time the Moon moves into Sagittarius on Sunday, October 6, the mood lightens up, bringing a sense of adventure and optimism. This is a great time to break out of your routine and do something spontaneous—whether it’s exploring a new hiking trail, diving into a new book, or planning your next travel adventure. Sagittarius energy is all about expanding your horizons, so say yes to anything that broadens your perspective.

In summary, this week’s cosmic events encourage us to communicate clearly, embrace new beginnings, and prioritize emotional well-being. Use the dynamic shifts to reflect, recalibrate, and step confidently into a new chapter. The universe is offering us a fresh start—let’s make the most of it!

What Lies Ahead For Your Zodiac Sign: September 30th - October 6th 2024

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

What to Expect
This week, Aries, relationships take center stage. Expect intense conversations and some surprising realizations about your partnerships.

Love & Relationships
Sun conjunct Mercury in Libra on Monday lights up your relationship zone, making it a great time for heart-to-heart talks. But don’t rush; with a New Moon (and solar eclipse!) on Wednesday, new insights could change everything. Keep your cool if things get emotionally charged.

Careers & Work
With Mars entering Cancer on Thursday, your professional focus turns inward. You’ll feel driven to fortify your foundations—whether that’s polishing your skills or nurturing important work connections. Friday’s Moon in Scorpio adds intensity, perfect for tackling challenging projects.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
You’re balancing action and reflection this week. As the Moon moves into Sagittarius on Sunday, you’ll crave adventure and growth. Consider trying something new that broadens your horizons, whether it’s a spontaneous road trip or exploring a new hobby.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

What to Expect
This week brings a mix of creative inspiration and a need for emotional recalibration. Take some time to tune in and figure out what really matters to you, Taurus.

Love & Relationships
The New Moon in Libra on Wednesday might stir up old feelings or unresolved issues. Embrace the chance to hit the reset button. By the weekend, you’ll feel more at ease and ready to enjoy deeper, more meaningful connections.

Careers & Work
With Mars entering Cancer on Thursday, your communication skills are on point. This is the perfect time to advocate for yourself or pitch that big idea. Don’t be afraid to speak up—you have the cosmic green light!

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
When the Moon shifts into Sagittarius on Sunday, your curiosity is sparked. Plan something that feeds your soul, whether that’s diving into a good book or planning your next big move. Your confidence will thank you.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

What to Expect
Your week is all about balancing social life and personal ambitions, Gemini. Expect opportunities for fun and collaboration, but stay focused on your goals.

Love & Relationships
Monday’s Sun-Mercury conjunction has you in the mood to flirt and connect. With the New Moon on Wednesday, you may meet someone who piques your interest or find new depths in your current relationship. Keep an open mind.

Careers & Work
Mars enters your money zone on Thursday, pushing you to secure your financial future. Whether that means negotiating a raise or reevaluating your budget, don’t shy away from taking control.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
The Scorpio Moon on Friday can bring intense feelings to the surface. Use this energy to reflect and release what’s been weighing you down. By Sunday, the Sagittarius Moon lifts your spirits—perfect for some spontaneous self-care.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

What to Expect
Home and family themes dominate your week, Cancer. Prepare for deep conversations and a chance to redefine your emotional priorities.

Love & Relationships
Wednesday’s New Moon in Libra encourages you to harmonize your personal life. You might find yourself setting new boundaries or deepening connections with loved ones. Mars enters your sign on Thursday, boosting your confidence and charisma—use it wisely!

Careers & Work
This is a week to set long-term goals. The Sun and Mercury in Libra help you communicate your vision clearly. Friday’s Scorpio Moon is ideal for digging deep into research or strategic planning.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
You’re in a reflective mood. Take time to nurture yourself emotionally, especially with the Moon in Scorpio on Friday. By Sunday, the Sagittarius Moon will have you itching for something fresh and exciting—just don’t overdo it!

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

What to Expect
Communication is key for you this week, Leo. Expect to be busy with conversations, short trips, and lots of social interaction.

Love & Relationships
With Sun conjunct Mercury in your communication zone on Monday, you’re ready to clear the air. The New Moon on Wednesday offers a fresh start—perfect for resolving misunderstandings or making a bold move.

Careers & Work
You’re feeling strategic as Mars moves into your introspection zone on Thursday. Use this time to revise plans and set new intentions. Friday’s Scorpio Moon will sharpen your focus, making it a great time to tackle complex projects.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
You’ll feel introspective midweek, but the weekend’s Sagittarius Moon brings a much-needed burst of optimism. Use this fiery energy to break free from routines and embrace spontaneity.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

What to Expect
Finances and self-worth are on your mind this week, Virgo. Expect insights and opportunities that could lead to positive changes in how you value yourself and your resources.

Love & Relationships
The New Moon in Libra on Wednesday prompts you to consider how your values align with those of your partner or potential partners. It’s a good time to discuss shared goals or make future plans.

Careers & Work
Mars in Cancer on Thursday energizes your social network. It’s a great time to reach out and collaborate. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice—you might be surprised by who’s willing to support your vision.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
The Scorpio Moon on Friday helps you dive deep into your own psyche. By Sunday, the Sagittarius Moon lifts your spirits and broadens your perspective. It’s a wonderful time to explore new philosophies or reconnect with your sense of adventure.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

What to Expect
It’s your season, Libra! With several celestial events lighting up your sign, it’s time to focus on yourself and your personal aspirations.

Love & Relationships
The New Moon and solar eclipse in your sign on Wednesday is your personal reset button. Whether single or coupled, think about what you really want in love and take the first step towards it. Mars entering your career zone on Thursday may shift your focus to professional rather than romantic pursuits—balance is key.

Careers & Work
The Sun-Mercury conjunction on Monday makes you articulate and persuasive. Use this energy to advocate for yourself. With Mars entering Cancer, you’ll be ready to tackle long-term goals with renewed vigor.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
This is a transformative week for you. Take time for self-care and reflection, especially with the Moon in Scorpio on Friday. By Sunday, the Sagittarius Moon will inspire you to look beyond the horizon and set new, exciting goals.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

What to Expect
This week’s energy is about releasing and renewal for you, Scorpio. It’s a good time to let go of old baggage and make space for something new.

Love & Relationships
The New Moon in Libra on Wednesday asks you to look within and understand what you truly need in a relationship. As the Moon enters your sign on Friday, you’ll feel more empowered to communicate those needs.

Careers & Work
Mars entering Cancer on Thursday lights up your learning and travel sector. It’s a great time to invest in education or consider long-distance projects. Stay open to new opportunities that expand your horizons.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
You’re in a contemplative mood early in the week, but the Sagittarius Moon on Sunday shifts your focus to the future. Plan some fun activities that allow you to explore new territories, literally or metaphorically.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

What to Expect
This week is all about your social life, Sagittarius. You’ll find yourself connecting with friends and expanding your network.

Love & Relationships
Wednesday’s New Moon in Libra offers a fresh start in your social circles. It’s a good time to reconnect with friends or meet someone new through shared interests. Expect deep, meaningful conversations as the week progresses.

Careers & Work
Mars entering Cancer on Thursday could spark changes in shared finances or partnerships. If you’ve been considering a business collaboration or joint venture, now’s the time to move forward.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
As the Moon enters your sign on Sunday, you’ll feel a surge of optimism and enthusiasm. It’s a perfect time to set intentions for the month ahead or embark on a new adventure.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

What to Expect
This week is a balancing act between career and personal life, Capricorn. Prioritize wisely and you’ll make the most of the opportunities coming your way.

Love & Relationships
The New Moon in Libra on Wednesday might bring a fresh start in your professional life, which could indirectly benefit your relationships. Consider how your career goals align with your personal life and communicate openly with loved ones.

Careers & Work
Mars entering Cancer on Thursday highlights partnerships. Whether it’s a business collaboration or support from colleagues, teamwork is key right now. Use Friday’s Scorpio Moon to dive deep into any complex issues that need resolving.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
You’re in a strategic mindset this week, but don’t forget to relax. Sunday’s Sagittarius Moon lightens the mood, offering a chance to unwind and let loose. Plan some time for fun—it’s well-deserved!

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

What to Expect
Travel and learning are on your mind this week, Aquarius. Expect opportunities to expand your horizons, whether through education, travel, or new perspectives.

Love & Relationships
The New Moon in Libra on Wednesday encourages you to explore new possibilities in your relationships. Whether single or attached, try something different—like a spontaneous date or learning something new together.

Careers & Work
Mars entering Cancer on Thursday could stir up your daily routine. Use this energy to streamline your work habits and tackle any lingering projects. The Scorpio Moon on Friday is perfect for research and problem-solving.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
You’re feeling adventurous and curious. Plan some time to explore new ideas or places. The Sagittarius Moon on Sunday boosts your creativity and optimism—ideal for setting new personal or spiritual goals.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

What to Expect
This week invites you to delve deeper into your emotional and financial world, Pisces. Look out for opportunities to heal and grow.

Love & Relationships
The New Moon in Libra on Wednesday asks you to redefine intimacy and trust. Whether it’s a relationship or your own self-love journey, focus on building a solid emotional foundation.

Careers & Work
Mars entering Cancer on Thursday energizes your creative projects. This is a great time to pour your heart into something you’re passionate about. By Friday, the Scorpio Moon helps you strategize for future success.

Energy, Mood & Personal Growth
The weekend’s Sagittarius Moon boosts your enthusiasm for exploring new horizons. Consider taking up a new course or planning an adventure—it’s time to dream big and pursue what lights you up.


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