
The latest advice and deep-dive into all you need to know about enhancing your spiritual well-being and inner peace.

The Law of Attraction emphasizes that "like attracts like." To manifest your desires, it's essential to clear out old, negative energy and make room for new, positive influences. This ancient philosophy, popularized by modern self-help movements, teaches that our thoughts and actions shape our reality, highlighting the importance of aligning intention with action.


The Law of Attraction goes back more than three-thousand of years. However it was when Rhonda Byrne’s The Secret came out in 2006, manifestation went mainstream thanks to her message that we simply “ask, believe, and receive.” Today, the law of attraction has gone viral with manifesting and visualizing, but often cuts out the action part. For attraction to truly work, we need to take action. Like they say, where intention goes, energy flows.

Where does the Law of Attraction come from?

The Law of Attraction is essentially, “what goes around comes around”. This outlook on life is found in the vedic path, Mayan mysticism, Buddhism’s karma and Hawaii’s Hoʻoponopono meaning 'to make right’. All these ancient traditions have one thing in common - they link attraction to action.

Even if you're not consciously aware of it, your thoughts are constantly shaping your experiences, and the law of attraction is busy at work. Despite psychology and science backing these spiritual beliefs up, it doesn’t mean attracting all things good is necessarily easy. You need to know why you attract what you do so you can get real about what you’re prepared to do to change it.

How does the Law of Attraction work, IRL?

Imagine you’re freaking out with worry and can’t stop negative thoughts streaming in. Because of your mind-state, you’re probably not going to have a great day. Your thoughts will leak out and impact the way other people respond to you. This creates a loop, and you’ll likely find people mirror your mood.

When we see enough messages that reinforce how we feel and what we believe is true, then we behave in a way that backs this up. It’s part neurobiology, and part sociology.

The same applies to positivity. Picture yourself having an awesome day. It's like the universe is your co-pilot, responding to the energy you emit. Rhonda Byrne - aka the mother of manifestation is spot on in her book, The Power: “Life isn't happening to you; life is responding to you.”

The three Laws of Attraction

One - Like attracts like

This is the law of attraction’s cornerstone: you get what you give. Positive thoughts attract positive outcomes, and negative thoughts bring negative results. So get serious about your mindset.

“The way you think and talk to yourself has serious consequences” says life coach, Mel Robbins. Why? Because “your thoughts become your beliefs. Your beliefs turn into actions. Your actions become habits. And your habits determine who you are and what you achieve in life, or not.” So how do we do that?

Two - clear out the old to make way for the new

By clearing out negative stuff in your life you’re making room for positive stuff to take its place. So ditch old grudges, cut ties with toxic people, and check your self-doubt at the door.

Actually, go easy with that; some patterns can’t be wished away with manifestations. You’ll need help with those from a personal coach, experienced mindfulness teacher, or qualified counselor.

Three - the present is always perfect

How can the present be perfect if I’m having a bad day/week/month, you might be wondering?

Well, think about it: can you change the past? No. Can you control the future? No, not really. Can you change what’s happening now? Yes, for the most part. You might not be able to do everything right here, right now, but you can lay tracks for it, or shift your response to what’s going on, at the moment.

This is why it’s perfect - because what’s going on now is in our hands.

Mindfulness encourages us to live in the now and appreciate each moment. In every single moment there is a lesson, an opportunity, a chance to change things, or gratitude for something we’ve worked hard to achieve.

“Like attracts like so clear out the old to make way for the new.”

Where the Law of Attraction impacts daily life


Positive energy draws positive relationships. I mean, who wants to be around someone who’s mean, moaning, and an energy vampire? Exactly. No one. The same goes for your relationship with yourself.

To attract good people into your life, you need to work on being that good person yourself. We’re sure you are doing great, but every little helps with that law. Start working on the little things you’d like to change, and you’ll find you’ll start meeting people who are too.


Money is a funny thing. Our attitude towards it comes straight from our childhood, and is amplified by how we relate to that, today. We either adopt or reject what we’ve inherited from them: tying both to our experiences.

Having a good relationship to money begins with a mindset of gratitude. What do you have? Where are you grateful for what you already have? And how can providing for yourself tie to your self-love?

We love what mega-coach Tony Robbins says in Money Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom: “The secret to wealth is simple: Find a way to do more for others than anyone else does. Become more valuable. Do more. Give more. Be more. Serve more.” When you re-read that, you’ll see how money directly ties to the law of attraction’s and “give to receive” mindset.


When it comes to purpose, you don't decide what it is, you discover it, because your purpose is the reason you’re here. Envision your career goals, create the daily habits to get you there, and be proactive as you make it happen.

Final word

Whatever your take is on the law of attraction, “what goes around comes around” is true. So, attract all the goodness and success you deserve by taking charge of your life. Start to shake down limiting beliefs and sweep away old habits because the universe is waiting for you to show up and do the work!


The contents of this article are provided for informational purposes only. Anahana does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should not be used as a substitute for medical advice from a healthcare professional. Anahana encourages to consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical guidance. Anahana is not liable for any errors, omissions, or consequences that may occur from using the information provided.

Sydney Garden

Sydney is a skilled writer and editor at Anahana with a diverse educational and professional background. Sydney received her BA (Honors) in Communications from Toronto Metropolitan University and is furthering her education by pursuing her MSc in Human Resource Management at the University of Stirling.


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